Saturday, September 20, 2008

Oh no! the Large Hadron Collider shut down for two months!

You read it right! After its historic launch on September 10, the Large Hadron Collider has shut down due to a superconducting magnet failing saturday. Scientists say that fixing the malfunctioning will take at least 2 months. What happen was a large amount of Helium (used to cool the magnet, entered tunnels of the collider.

Although many scientists say that the LHC will not achieve collisions before the end of the year, others remain optimistic. "It's too early to say whether we'll still be having collisons this year." said James Gillies, chief of communication for CERN (European Center for Nuclear Research). They also say that these setbacks are expected with such a complex experiment and device. Hopefully they can quickly patch the helium area and recool the magnet so we can see the 7 trillon volt collision before the end.

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