Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hot Air Balloons in Space?

Sounds like a silly idea, but this might be a reality in terms of studying Saturn's largest moon, Titan.

With the success of Cassini, a space probe that's studied Titan for over 4 years, an astrophysicist named Athena Coustenis is drafting plan to send a hot air balloon, an orbiting satellite, and a surface probe on the mysterious moon. Called the Titan and Saturn System Mission, TSSM, their goal will be to continue where Cassini left off.

Coustenis said that Titan would be a great place to use a balloon because of the atmosphere, which contains a high amount of nitrogen. She, and other scientists, are also believe this method would better discover properties of Titan that may resemble prehistoric Earth. This mission is only in the research stage though, with a possible launch in 10 years.

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