Sunday, November 2, 2008

Team in lunar X-Prize has big plans for future.

Private firm Astrobiotic Technology announced Thursday that it plans to land a rover near the Apollo 11 landing site in May 2010 to win the Google lunar X prize competition. This challenge will award $20 million to the first team to complete all required tasks on the moon. This would seem like a worthy endeavor on its own, but their next plan is even more daring.

After that launch, they plan to launch FIVE more study possible ice deposits on the lunar poles. This will no doubt cost more than what they would get form the competition, but the president of Astrobotic, David Gump, acknowledge that these mission to the poles and other areas would benefit their investors, with all the data gathered from the rovers sent to many customers and researchers with access.

Their first post X prize plans are to send two rovers to NASA's Tranquility base to search for water (more specifically, ice) in 2011 and 2012. Other ice hunting rovers are expected to launch afterwards, with a "moon dozer" to follow past 2013.

It's also worth noting that they have an idea for a rocket to use, *cough, SpaceX!, Cough*

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