Sunday, November 23, 2008

The International Space Station turns 10 this week!

Yeah, that's right! On November 20, 2008, the $100 billion dollar International Space Station, ISS, turned 10 years old. It's been 10 years since the first component of the ISS, the Zarya control module, went into space.

Estimates say that the station has circled the earth over 57,000 times and traveled a distance of 2 billion kilometers.

Currently, the ISS is undergoing what could be described as a "makeover." The Space Shuttle Endeavor, which launched last week, is adding another toilet and sleeping quarters.

The most interesting addition to the ISS is the new recycling system, which will recycle the Carbon dioxide and waste water. This has already filtered urine into pure water.

The ultimate goal of the new additions is to increase the number of people living on the station from 3 to 6.

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